Passion, Growth, Impact: A 7-year Journey With Resonate

Dear Resonate Family,

This year is my 10-year work mark, and having spent seven of those years at Resonate fills me with indescribable emotions. I still remember my first day—it was a team retreat, and as they were brainstorming, they asked for my opinion!!

That was just the start of a journey—a beautiful, powerful, challenging, learning, and never-ending journey of continuous self-discovery and growth. I joined as an impact intern, and seven years later, I lead initiatives amplifying the impact of government institutions, securing revenue, and fostering community collaborations to uplift lives from the grassroots.

This journey opened my eyes to capabilities I never knew I possessed—intelligence, the ability to make a difference, and the strength to turn dreams into reality—and that empowered me to aim for bigger goals, knowing that I can achieve them.

And that’s just me. Resonate's impact extends beyond individuals; it ripples through communities.

Today, we have Community Programs in five districts and the City of Kigali, in Rwanda. We are addressing critical issues such as teenage pregnancy, youth unemployment, and the encouragement of girls in STEM fields. Our collective efforts have reached over 27,000 women and girls and seen a 91% increase in leadership by either securing jobs, starting income-generating activities, advancing academically, taking on formal or informal leadership roles, and contributing to positive change.

I want to express my gratitude to all the remarkable women who have discovered the power within them because of Resonate, myself included.

I am extremely grateful for Resonate's exceptional visionary founder, Ayla Schlosser, phenomenal leaders Norette Turimuci and Claire Uwineza, and a fantastic team creating a culture that helps everyone realize their potential. I found sisters, mentors, friends, and connections of a lifetime.

Resonate, to me, is not just an organization; it's more than just work; it's been like a guide in my personal journey.

As I step into a new chapter, I carry with me the lessons, the growth, and the profound impact of Resonate. It's not just about what Resonate did for me—it's also about the transformative power it holds for countless others. I am a testament to the change that is possible when one's potential is unlocked and maximized.

I remain not only a part of the Resonate family, but also a dedicated champion of the remarkable work that Resonate continues to do.

Thank you, Resonate, for making change happen, helping women, and for our fantastic journey. Cheers to our past, present, and the bright future ahead!

Once a Resonate hummingbird, always a hummingbird.


Empowerment in Action: My Journey as a Programs Facilitator


Teen Pregnancy: Be an Agent of Change